Our business, Casahabitat, created a group of website portals as a real estate showcase in the 12 main cities of Colombia. A project this ambitious and of this magnitude needed a company that dominated e-commerce that could generate consistent customer traffic through successful organic positioning and payment.
The work of The SEO Company has been judicious and methodical. Our traffic grows each month. Our pages are now in the top 5 of the majority of key words that are important for our market.
We recommend the services of The SEO Company for any organization that really wants to harness the power of the internet.
Successful SEO for these Websites:
Casasyapartamentosbogota.com – Casasyapartamentosmedellin.com – Casasyapartamentoscali.com – Casasyapartamentosbarranquilla.com – Casasyapartamentoscartagena.com – Casasyapartamentossantamarta.com – Casasyapartamentospereira.com – Casasyapartamentosarmenia.com – Casasyapartamentosvillavicencio.com – Casasyapartamentosibague.com – Casasyapartamentosbucaramanga.com – Casasyapartamentosmanizales.com